John Aquila
JoinedPosts by John Aquila
Every appearance of “This Generation” in Matthew, Mark and Luke.
by Doug Mason in1. did jesus use the term this generation as a compliment?
2. was jesus speaking to people living at that time?
3. was jesus speaking about people living at that time?
John Aquila
Hey Doug, it would be cool if we could sneak this information into the next printing issue of the Watchtower Mag. Can you imagine all the eyeballs falling out!! -
Is the WT SLOW-ly Changing the importance of the Door to Door preaching work to something more profitable?
by John Aquila inits been a couple of weeks since a new c.o.
was appointed to the circuit and im starting to hear tidbits of his talks..
one brother told me that in one of his talks he asked the question; .
John Aquila
James Mixon
so how will they get their time for the month.LIE!!!
Is the WT SLOW-ly Changing the importance of the Door to Door preaching work to something more profitable?
by John Aquila inits been a couple of weeks since a new c.o.
was appointed to the circuit and im starting to hear tidbits of his talks..
one brother told me that in one of his talks he asked the question; .
John Aquila
Imho it would be no different that when the bookstudy as a separate meeting night was cancelled. Most dubs were very happy that they had another free night... If the dubs were relieved of the door to door work they'd be happy to comply.I agree Listener, if I was still in and this change took place, I would celebrate and I wouldn't mind giving a few bucks$$$$ instead of going door to door.
Hey, isn't this how the other religions evolved??
THE BART EHRMAN debate is available now
by Terry ingo to the live streaming site and sign up or sign in:.
skip to 9:02 and the debate begins.. _______________.
John Aquila
Thanks Terry,
You know, I would have liked to have met Jesus and ask him some direct questions like;
"Is there life after death" and when will that take place?"
But knowing what I know, He probably would have answered me like this;
"Look at the lilies of the field that feed the birds, if you have the faith of a worm, the butterfly will come!"
Is the WT SLOW-ly Changing the importance of the Door to Door preaching work to something more profitable?
by John Aquila inits been a couple of weeks since a new c.o.
was appointed to the circuit and im starting to hear tidbits of his talks..
one brother told me that in one of his talks he asked the question; .
John Aquila
Wtbts fears bancruptcy and has pulled in marketing professionals (in fact professionals generally)who have told them they are wasting their manhours with unsuitable (ie shy etc)folk going d2d when their time/resources could be more profitably spent volunteering in other waysI believe that is exactly what is happening. Marketing professionals are the ones directing the WT work----NOT GOD
Is the WT SLOW-ly Changing the importance of the Door to Door preaching work to something more profitable?
by John Aquila inits been a couple of weeks since a new c.o.
was appointed to the circuit and im starting to hear tidbits of his talks..
one brother told me that in one of his talks he asked the question; .
John Aquila
It’s been a couple of weeks since a new C.O. was appointed to the circuit and I’m starting to hear tidbits of his talks.
One brother told me that in one of his talks he asked the question;
“If the GB decides that the door to door work should take a new turn, will you follow the direction by Jehovah’s appointed Channel?”
He went on to explain;
“It’s no surprise that JW.Org is having tremendous success. People are asking for Bible studies by the thousands, and no door to door work is involved.
He went on to say that the “WT Carts” (I don’t think they call them that) are proving more effective than door to door work.
So what can Jdub expect in the future?
He said;
“Perhaps volunteering in the construction work is a better option,
And if you are not able to volunteer in construction work, then---
You can help FINANCIALLY-$$$$, by supporting monetarily to Jehovah’s Organization.
Couple of questions came to my mind.
A. Are thousands of people really asking for Bible studies?
B. Are The JW Carts more effective?
C. Is construction and sale of Real Estate and Donations going to supersede the door to door work?
For those of you that are disfellowshipped, How Far Would Your Faithfull JW Family Go To Stay Loyal to The WT?
by John Aquila inive seen jw parents shun their disfellowshipped children for 20-30 years.
ive seen parents remove disfellowshipped or fader children from wills and give the inheritance to the watchtower..
if your country got run over by some form of government like the nazi regime and started a process of eliminating any groups or individuals who it considered a threat.
John Aquila
I'm sorry you had to go through that. My heart feels for you. You also remind me how dangerous this cult is.
What's the craziest thing someone INFORMED on you about?
by Londo111 inthe culture of jws as encouraged by the watchtower is one of informing on one another, reporting to either the elders or ones designated head.
whats the wackiest thing that someone reported on you?
im not talking about a black-and-white watchtower rule that would land you in a judicial committee, but some judgmental nonsense that someone thought they should turn you in about?.
John Aquila
That I know of, no one ever reported on me, but as an elder, I had many-many report to me some of the most petty things you can think of, like;
"Sister hot, young, and pretty bought a bubble dress, that's not good for the young brothers"
Brother young is getting to muscular, he is spending to much time in the Gym and not enough time in field services."
"Sister divorced is saying "Hi" to much to brother single, we sisters feel she is dwelling on the flesh too much."
"Brother and sister-about to get married- are holding hands during the song, if someone doesn't do something, they are going to commit fornication"
I could go on but you get the drift.
For those of you that are disfellowshipped, How Far Would Your Faithfull JW Family Go To Stay Loyal to The WT?
by John Aquila inive seen jw parents shun their disfellowshipped children for 20-30 years.
ive seen parents remove disfellowshipped or fader children from wills and give the inheritance to the watchtower..
if your country got run over by some form of government like the nazi regime and started a process of eliminating any groups or individuals who it considered a threat.
John Aquila
It's kind of a scary thought, but reality shows the POWER of a cult. The member's thinking becomes so warped, that the cult becomes the most important thing in a person's life and family members-children, parents, wives, and husbands become not even second but almost like a vestigial structure that just hangs there but is not necessary for anything and can be dropped in an instant. -
For those of you that are disfellowshipped, How Far Would Your Faithfull JW Family Go To Stay Loyal to The WT?
by John Aquila inive seen jw parents shun their disfellowshipped children for 20-30 years.
ive seen parents remove disfellowshipped or fader children from wills and give the inheritance to the watchtower..
if your country got run over by some form of government like the nazi regime and started a process of eliminating any groups or individuals who it considered a threat.
John Aquila
I’ve seen JW parents shun their disfellowshipped children for 20-30 years. And visa-versa. I’ve seen parents remove disfellowshipped or fader children from Wills and give the inheritance to the Watchtower.
If your country got run over by some form of government like the Nazi regime and started a process of eliminating any groups or individuals who it considered a threat. And the WT got in favor with this government, and was asked to help it identify any dissenters.
What do you think would happen to you if the Governing Body in this position of power, asked the faithful WT J-dubs to hand over their apostate or disfellowshipped children or parents to the authorities to be dealt with in whatever manner the new government saw fit.
Would they stay faithful to the WT Organization------Jehovah’s Only True Channel on earth?
Or would they be Unfaithful and protect you and miss out on Everlasting life on Paradise earth. (at least in their mind)
This may sound crazy, but guess what, I asked this 50 years old regular pioneer sister what she would do if she was asked by the GB to stone her disfellowshipped son. Her answer-----
“I would be faithful to Jehovah”
Oh, the power of a cult huh!